Monday, March 22, 2010

Homemade Easter...

It's time for a little homemade Easter action around the Cicileo house. I am feeling so inspired lately with so much creativity around me, so I thought I'd take on my 1st ever article of clothing.

Hannah's Easter dress made with lots of love
and thank you Jen for your assistance with pattern sewing!

Time to Sew

Let the craftiness begin! After a wonderful group of women left my home this past Friday night at 10:30, I hunkered down and went to town on this pirate baby blanket ARRR!

I think I finally have this blanket thing down to an art, it only took 45min to 1hr to complete! Welcome Baby Cortez!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Feelin' The Long Necklaces Today...

The Special Ingredients

In Progress...


Friday, March 19, 2010

Oh-So Crafty Day

Today my sister called me several times to wake me up so that I would get my lazy-(day off)-butt out of bed and look at a friend's blog. She was thoroughly inspired and knew that I would be too as soon as I laid my sleepy eyes on the specimen- a homemade dress that was cute as a button.

Seeing how I had my whole day free, I officially dedicated it to creating. At first, it was just going to be a dress, from Martha. But then I got to the craft store...
craft store goodies... !!

fabric store find... love this.

a little "progress" slidesh

The finished products!